Good evening.
This is your Captain.
We are about to attempt a crash landing.
Please extinuish all cigarettes.
Place your tray tables in their upright, locked position.
Your Captain says: Put your head on your knees. Your Captain says: Put your head on your hands. Captain says: Put your hands on your head.
Put your hands on your hips.
Heh heh.
This is your Captain-and we are going down.
We are all going down, together.
And I said: Uh oh.
This is gonna be some day.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
Uh-this is your Captain again.
You know, I've got a funny feeling
I've seen this all before.
Cause I'm a caveman.
Cause I've got eyes in the back of my head.
It's the heat.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
Put your hands over your eyes.
Jump out of the plane.
There is no pilot.
You are not alone.
This is the time.
And this is the
record of the time.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
This is your Captain.
We are about to attempt a crash landing.
Please extinuish all cigarettes.
Place your tray tables in their upright, locked position.
Your Captain says: Put your head on your knees. Your Captain says: Put your head on your hands. Captain says: Put your hands on your head.
Put your hands on your hips.
Heh heh.
This is your Captain-and we are going down.
We are all going down, together.
And I said: Uh oh.
This is gonna be some day.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
Uh-this is your Captain again.
You know, I've got a funny feeling
I've seen this all before.
Cause I'm a caveman.
Cause I've got eyes in the back of my head.
It's the heat.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
Put your hands over your eyes.
Jump out of the plane.
There is no pilot.
You are not alone.
This is the time.
And this is the
record of the time.
This is the time.
And this is the record of the time.
Fiind asupra unei combinaţii etnobotanice de Cabernet Sauvignon Rocher de La Garde şi rachiu de vişine de Bucium îndrăznesc următorul comentariu: anunţul complet este "This is your Captain speaking!" ( apoi multe dintre companii, fiindcă nu se mai fumează de vreo zece ani, au înlocuit "no smoking" cu "no electronics" şi, în cele din urmă, la aterizările forţate noua normă nu mai e să-ţi pui capul pe genunchi ci să-l "propteşti" de scaunul din faţă...
Regret, da' aşa mă face pe mine alcoolul. Prozaic. :)
@ nimrod
Păi Laurie Anderson tocmai ce a fost în România, aţi pierdut prilejul să-i comunicaţi aceste upgrade-uri de text.
PS. Melodia este de pe la începutul anilor '80.
Cu orice risc trebuie sa ajungem cu picioarele pe pamant.
Cu cat mai repede cu atat vor fi mai putine victime.
Cele mai grele momente sunt la decolare (pentru că poţi să te prăbuşeşti) şi la aterizare (pentru că poţi să te prăbuşeşti).
România este condamnată să nu meargă nicăieri... face numai decolări şi aterizări.
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