Privesc cum maşinile se scurg spre Snagov spre un cort care miroase a bairam în mijloc de iunie... Parcă şi simt mirosul de grătar cum înţeapă obraznic nările şi gheaţă ce mângâie berea, şpriţul, whisky-ul... La mulţi domnule preşedinte, la mulţi ani domnule prim-ministru, la mulţi ani domnilor deputaţi şi senatori... La mulţi ani! Sunt eu, cel cu viaţa cumpărată de la second hand... Bibliotecaru... Sunt dintre cei care stau la bază şi vă susţin viaţa, luxul, această petrecere. Mai ştiţi că aici jos, sub pământ, sunt strânse, de mii de ani, miliarde de oase care vă susţin dumneavoastră puterea... Mă auziţi sau microfonul acesta nu mai este conectat la nici un aparat de înregistrat?
Forgive me if I seem forward,
But I've never been in front of anything like you,
It's the last place I ever thought I'd be when I woke up this morning,
Is it true that you are always this breathtaking?,
And you're smart and you're willing,
And my god this is killing me,
Tell me all the things you never said,
We can lie here and talk for hours in my bed,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
You started to see right through me,
And I'm loving every minute of it,
Its like I'm born again every time I breath in so,
If you're curious my favorite color's blue,
And I like to sing in the shower,
If you like I'll sing to you,
Tell me all the things you never said,
We can lie here and talk for hours in my bed,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
Tell me all of your hopes,
All of your dreams,
I want you to take me there (take me there),
Tell me all of your hopes,
All of your dreams,
I want to take you there (take you there),
Tell me everything,
Every breath,
I want you to know I'll be there (know I'll be there),
There's just one more thing,
One request,
I want you to take me with you,
Take me with you,
I will never let you down,
I will love you now and forever (now and forever)
But I've never been in front of anything like you,
It's the last place I ever thought I'd be when I woke up this morning,
Is it true that you are always this breathtaking?,
And you're smart and you're willing,
And my god this is killing me,
Tell me all the things you never said,
We can lie here and talk for hours in my bed,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
You started to see right through me,
And I'm loving every minute of it,
Its like I'm born again every time I breath in so,
If you're curious my favorite color's blue,
And I like to sing in the shower,
If you like I'll sing to you,
Tell me all the things you never said,
We can lie here and talk for hours in my bed,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
I don't have anything to hide,
I don't have anything everything is not for certain,
Tell me all of your hopes,
All of your dreams,
I want you to take me there (take me there),
Tell me all of your hopes,
All of your dreams,
I want to take you there (take you there),
Tell me everything,
Every breath,
I want you to know I'll be there (know I'll be there),
There's just one more thing,
One request,
I want you to take me with you,
Take me with you,
I will never let you down,
I will love you now and forever (now and forever)
teroristule, teroristule...
Trist dar adevarat.
Buna seara @biblio si o seara buna.
Nu cred că băieţii şi fetele "de Sangov" sunt de invidiat... Există doar unii oameni care, brusc, dovedesc că se tem mai tare decât alţii de bătrâneţe şi boală. Asta îi determină să se înghesuie cât mai sus în ierarhia socială remunerată după buget.
Am avut prieteni care au lăsat de izbelişte vieţi minunate în libertate pentru posturi obscure de subordonaţi dar "sigure", într-o vreme, de prin Parlament sau ministere. Dacă nu suntem ca ei, bogaţi şi puternici, suntem poate mai puţin speriaţi de viitor fiindcă n-avem prea multe de pierdut dar asta nu înseamnă că avem vieţi de second hand. Pe de altă parte, oricum, inferiorul tre' să stea la trei metri de superior, chiar dacă pentru asta e nevoie să-l ameninţe pe cel din urmă cu arma (asta e de undeva din Sven Hassel). Mie mi se pare inutil să te caţeri pe cei din jur pentru o gură de aer şi o clipă de viaţă în plus.
Zyklon B-ul divin te va ajunge oricum...
Aşa este, serile sunt din ce în ce mai minunate... Ceea ce vă doresc tuturor. :D
Nu-i invidiez pe cei de la Snagov, doar îi delimitez de mine într-un mod antagonic.
Acum m-am prins eu... de aici sunt cianurile de la Roşia Montana, un fel de fabrică de acid prusic.
Biblio iti cer SCUZE PUBLIC!Te-am inclus gresit intr-o categorie din care nu faci parte,SCUZE!
@ gheorghe dirlosan
Nu m-am prins, în ce categorie?
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